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Features subway network

Global presentation

This project groups several construction of depot and underground stations at first inspired by the Parisian subway. It will contain various versions of station or depot according to timeline for single and double ways.

This underground used rails are issued from japanese addon. You can get it here :

Waiting for a purely french creation…

Underground Depot

This addon offer 2 versions of garage for 2 periods :

  • 1900 → 1950
  • 1951 → *

he has player's special colors to tag each garage on game.

Main sight in playing game

Parisian stations for single way

The first pak groups set of stations including 3 various versions according to periods:

  • 1900 → 1939: benches, simple lights and old posters
  • 1940 → 1999: seats, neon lights, good distributors
  • 2000: idem with glass guard gate

Sight of 3 versions according to periods by night

Sight by day

Notice : stations are decorated with the special colors players so allowing to identify the membership in the game.

Parisian stations for double tracks

The first pak groups set of stations including 3 various versions according to periods:

  • 1900 → 1939: benches, simple lights and old posters
  • 1940 → 1999: seats, neon lights, good distributors
  • 2000: idem with glass guard gate

Parisian elevated stations for single tracks

This models was designed with front face on ground zero (issues, little workshops…)

The first pak groups set of stations according to period :

  • 1900 → ~ : benches, simple lights and old posters

Back to subway stations

On ground parisian stations for single tracks

Icone The first pak groups set of stations according to period :

  • 1900 → ~ : benches, simple lights and old posters

64 passengers are these contenancy

 View in game

They also can be mixed with elevated stations.

 View in game

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