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This page contains all buildings (stations, bridges, tunnels, ways, etc…) for all way types.

Some objects might have been removed for some reasons. You can still find them in the archive page.

Station extensions

Name Progress Notes Author Download
Hall and extensions progression100e.jpg Created for the graphic contest of 2012.
info page
Included in pak128 since release 2.1.0
mEGa hall_extended_station.pak



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Tunnel progression10.jpg Work in progress. Gwalch


Name Progress Notes Author Download
SNFOS stations progression100e.jpg A set of train stations for pak128 with “half height”.
Gauthier snfosstations.pak
included pak128 2.5.0+

Subway stations

Name Progress Notes Author Download
Single way progression70.jpg Three versions according to era info page
Work in progress for “half heights”.
mEGa subway_station_demi_tile.pak
source files


Those electrifications are made for new version of pak128 with “half height” (with Simutrans 120 or higher). The use of those electrifications into simutrans 112 will produce graphical glitches.

Name Progress Notes Author Download
Midi type catenary progression90.jpg From catenary used by old “Midi” french company. You can see them on the Garabit bridge.

Max speed 200 km/h
Gwalch ogive_midi_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
Wood gantry catenary progression90.jpg
Max speed 120 km/h

early era
Gwalch wood_gantry_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
Classic catenary progression90.jpg Adaptation of existant electrification

Max speed 120 km/h
Gwalch et Raven classic_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
Grey type catenary 1930 progression90.jpg From catenary used by SNCV during the 30's

Max speed 140 km/h
Gwalch greytype_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
Metal mesh pylons catenary progression90.jpg Max speed 160 km/h Gwalch metal_mesh_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
Steel gantry catenary progression90.jpg Max speed 180 km/h Gwalch steel_gantry_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
Overhead feeding rail progression90.jpg Used in France on the “Haut-Bugey” line.

Max speed 240 km/h
Gwalch overhead_feeding_rail
included pak128 2.5.0+
High Speed catenary progression90.jpg Adaptation of existant electrification

Max speed 320 km/h
Gwalch & Napik highspeed_catenary
included pak128 2.5.0+
High Speed catenary with curved pylons progression90.jpg Max speed 400 km/h Gwalch curved_pylons_LGV
included pak128 2.5.0+
Third rail progression90.jpg Simple third rail.
Max speed 80 km/h
Early era.
Gauthier Third_rail
included pak128 2.5.0+
Covered third rail progression90.jpg Covered third rail.
Max speed 80 km/h
Modern era.
Gauthier Plastic_covered_third_rail
included pak128 2.5.0+
Wood covered third rail progression90.jpg Max speed 60 km/h Gauthier Wood_covered_third_rail
included pak128 2.5.0+


Name Progress Notes Author Download
Underground depot progression100e.jpg Underground depot for underground trains so as to offer more realism.
Cette version offre les dépôts ancien & moderne
page doc
mEGa subway_depot.pak
Signals progression0.jpg Planned set of signals for underground trafic to go with a planned set of tube ways. mEGa


Ways and electrifications

Name Progress Notes Author Download
grassed tracks progression100e.jpg Gwalch rail_tramway_moderne.pak
ground electrification progression100e.jpg info page Gwalch aps_electrification.pak
included pak128 2.5.0+


Name Progress Notes Author Download
Tram stations progression100e.jpg Set of stations to be placed out of a road.
Freely inspired from Nantes'stops info page
Release 2.0 with winter images.
mEGa tram_stop_full.pak
