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z23000doc.jpgThe z23000 is an electric railcar used by the CMP (Compagnie du chemin de fer Métropolitain de Paris - Paris'metropolitain railroad company) from 1934 on the Sceaux's line in the Southern suburb of Paris. It was electrified in 1937.

It's only composed of similar railcars, it's the ancestor of the RER, the current regional network of Paris. The ancient Sceaux's line is now included in the RER B line. The z23000 were also known as “automotrices Z” (Z railcars).

The z23000 got unique caracteristics for its era : a exchange time at stations which was drastically reduced thanks to its four doors per side and a lightness allowing good accelerations.

Its old conception made it one of the only trains which didn't fail during the very cold 1985 winter whereas more modern trains could not run.

This train did its last run on the 27th of February 1987.

source : Wikipedia

Technical datas in Simutrans

vehicule speed power capacity weight gear energy


80 km/h 348 kW 66 passengers 50 t *1 electric