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Fences pak

Author : Gauthier

This addon is updated for pak128 2.5.0 and higher (half heights).

snfos_fences.pak pak128 2.5.0 and higher
fences_pak.zip source files

snfos_fences_old.pak pak128 prior to 2.5.0

The palisade, more than its old charm and its rotten wood, will hide very efficiently your most dangerous and most crowded ways. So, unlike the SNCF's network in France, you could prevent people from suicide under trains or CGT's syndicalists from destroying your catenary. (CGT is a French syndicate well known for its innumerable exhibitions …).


The fence is inwardly a bit ugly though its apparent ugliness since about 95% of its surface is void and allows you to see what's happening behind. If you put a fence before a wonderful landscape, it would be 95% wonderful but if you put it before a highroad or a military base, it would be 95% ignominious.

You want to separate an area but people can always pass through you separation ? You don't want to not really separate an area ? You can use this brick wall ! Small enough to allow people to jump over and strong enough to separate. Actually this wall features real bricks but also an unreal separation complex program to unrealise the separation.


If you want to cut an area in two parts, use the concrete wall ! It's concrete and made of concrete, its concrete concrete is usefull to prevent anyone or anything from passing through the wall. This descritpion is concretely concrete so doesn't need to be longer.

You find the concrete wall huge and superfluous ? Use the concrete fence ! Simple and elegant, the concrete fence will separate two areas so elegantly that nobody would notice it.

You used the fence but it wasn't enough nice for you ? Its only 95% beauty didn't suffice you ? So it's time to use the plexiglas fence ! It's unbreakable and 100% beautiful because all of its surface is transparent !
