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Table des matières


Making a good doesn't need graphics and a few text.

Essential parameters

Description Content Example
obj object type good
name name texte Kohle
catg freight type nombre 2
metric unit used nom interne tonnen
weight_per_unit weight per unit (kg) nombre 1000
value value (* 100c) nombre 32
speed_bonus speed bonus pourcentage 3

Goods of pak128


Categories allow to transport certain goods in same vehicles. For example, coal, iron ore, stone, etc … are transported in bulk vehicles.

Number Description Example of good
0 special category steel, cars
1 piece goods books, canned food
2 bulk coal, iron ore
3 fluids oil, fuel
4 cooled goods meat, fish
5 liquid food milk
6 long goods wood, planks
7 agricultural products wool, grain


Name Description
no unit
tonnen ton
m3 m3
paletten palett
sack bag (agricultural products)