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DEV "inox" cars

DEV inox are cars formerly used by SNCF on its great lignes.

The first cars were built from 1952, they were said short and were limited to 140 km/h. From 1957, longer cars capable to run at 160 km/h appear.

In 1950 SNCF orders cars in order to modernize its great lines. Thus SNCF works with Carel et Fouché company which has a license to use Budd's process of making train stock out of stainless steel (hence “inox” in the cars'name, which comes from “acier inoxydable” meaning stainless steel in French).

These cares are used in the most prestigious trains like La Flèche d'Or, Le Mistral or Le Train Bleu.


Name Speed Weight Capacity
SNCF_DEV_inox 160 km/h 45 t 80 passengers
SNCF_DEV_inox_post 160 km/h 43 t 90 bags mail
