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Alstom Citadis 302 "Le Mans"


*tramway du Mans is a Public transportation in bus lane inaugurated on November 17th, 2007. Two branches composed him. The first one is a big transverse “Antarès”-University. She was achevied in august 2007 and then ran 4 month's later. Second branch “Espal/Arche de la Nature” (Nature arch) was inaugurated saturday 22th december 2007. These services are assured by the company of the public transportation of the city of Le Mans named SETRAM. It is also the cheaper tram of France with a 302 million euro cost. tuesday 4th december 2007 The magazine Ville et transports (City and transport) awarded in Paris its “Grand Prix” of the public transportation in bus lane 2007 for this tramway of Le Mans. It is already presented as an example for cities with same size which hesitate to invest. Magazine explains the reasons of this award : Le jury a été séduit par le design du nouveau tramway ; * It is the cheaper tram of France (20 million euros per kilometer) * Delivered in due course, with a plan rather well accepted * success of inauguration ( ~ 250 000 people transported on November 17th and 18th); La réussite de l'inauguration (près de 250 000 personnes transportées les 17 et 18 novembre) ; ~ 30 % of car traffic less. Le modèle est un Alstom Citadis 302 (rame de 32 m fabriquée par Alstom) et son alimentation est faite par voie aérienne (ligne aérienne de contact 750 V). Doté de la climatisation, le tramway manceau, long de 32 mètres et large de 2,40 mètres, offre 64 places assises et peut accueillir plus de 200 personnes. Modulable, ce modèle peut atteindre 42 mètres de long en ajoutant une « caisse » supplémentaire. Les premières rames porteront le nom des communes de Le Mans Métropole et les suivantes seront baptisées du nom d'une personnalité ayant contribué à l'essor de la ville du Mans ou à sa connaissance. 3 rames portent les noms “24 heures du Mans”, “MUC 72” et “MSB”, reflétant ainsi la dimension sportive de la ville. source : wikipedia Technicals datas in Simutrans : ^vehicule ^speed ^power ^capacity ^weight ^gear ^energy ^disponibility | |Citadis302_Le_Mans_1 |80 km/h |240 kWh |45 passengers |8 t |*1 |electric |2007- | |Citadis302_Le_Mans_2 |80 km/h |NA |42 passengers |8 t |NA |electric |2007- | |Citadis302_Le_Mans_long_version_402 |80 km/h |NA |30 passengers |6 t |NA |electric |2007- | |Citadis302_Le_Mans_3 |80 km/h |NA |30 passengers |7 t |NA |electric |2007- | |Citadis302_Le_Mans_4 |80 km/h |NA |42 passengers |8 t |NA |electric |2007- | |Citadis302_Le_Mans_5 |80 km/h |240 kWh |45 passengers |8 t |*1 |electric |2007- |