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cc72000doc.jpgThe CC 72000 were ordered late 1965 and first used late 1967. The first ones only reached 140 km/h but some of them were upgraded to 160 km/h.

The CC 72000 was created to bear problems caused by too low power of the first diesel engines which replaced steam engines. First they were used for express trains taking advantage of using both diesel engine and electric engine.

They have been quickly removed in 2009 after being used for corail intercité and freight transports because of a lack of maintenance, silencer and antipollution filter.

source : Wikipedia

Technical datas in Simutrans

vehicle speed power weight gear energy
SNCF_cc72000(bleue) 140 km/h 2450 kW 114 t *1.4(fefe abuses) diesel
SNCF_cc72000(fret) 140 km/h 2650 kW 114 t *1.9(fefe abuses) diesel
SNCF_cc72000(Multiservice) 150 km/h 2650 kW 114 t *1.5(fefe abuses) diesel
SNCF_cc72000(En voyage) 160 km/h 2650 kW 114 t *1.6(fefe abuses) diesel