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You will find on this page all the download links for Simutrans and pak128.

SNFOS addons which are up to date (i.e. outside of the archive page) are for pak128 2.5.0 and later. You may get graphical or economical compatibility problems on older pak128 versions.


The latest official and almost stable release of Simutrans is 120.1.2.

Nightly builds include all the last changes done to the code.
Stability is not guaranteed !
Nightly builds'page


Recently, Simutrans features “half slopes†or “double slopes†according to the pakset used. Pak128 has half slopes (or “soft slopesâ€). Only pak128 2.5.0 and later feature solf slopes.
Savegames from pak128 earlier than 2.5.0 are not compatible with versions from 2.5.0.

Below is the latest official and stable release of pak128. Make sure to have an up to date version of Simutrans.


Makeobj is the program which compiles addons from Simutrans (see the addon creating tutorial).