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This tutorial is made for pak128, for other paksets you have to adjust size !
Pixel-art literally means that art is made thanks to pixels … such a bit global word since 3D and other things are also made with pixels … Actually pixel-art is used for pictures made with drawing/picture editing softwares (as MSpaint, photofiltre, paint.net, photoshop, the gimp, and so on and so on …). Unlike some people's thoughts, we aren't going to paint pixel by pixel … (fortunately !), only when there are very small parts of the pictures to make. Hopefully mankind advanced its technology and thanks to homo-sapiens-computerus, many usefull tools as photofiltre - which we'll use - which can make lines, gradients, and many cool stuff.
If you missed a step so you don't know photofiltre, go there.
So pixel-art needs some patience and time to spend, of course, the result's quality depends on the time spent to work on. But as it's said : when you love it does not ! Plus : with pixel-art we can easily as good results as in 3D, when you know the way to do good things. Seeing many 3D creations which are really not nice, I can say that in pixel-art we can easily to better than 3D.
Stop saying craps, let's starting the tutorial. Each part of this tutorial has exercices which are important to do, links to the photofiltre introduction's page each time it's necessary.
A last thing to know : for Simutrans graphics are in isometric viewpoint, so we'll have three perpandicular axes : length, width, height which are in Simutrans North-South, East-West, height. Let's see that :
In pixel-art, pictures are almost made side by side, but to exist, a side needs edges limited by lines. Let's see this :
Look this source picture (it's a simple station extension).
Two axes are easily noticed : North-South axis with top left and bottom right edges and East-West axis on the other sides. These lines are completely visible, but you know that your screen is made of pixels, so to draw diagonal lines we have to cheat with pixels … see :
We can see by zooming in that edges are crenel shaped. We can also see that there's two pixels width for one pixel height, and it composes the line. Maths'addicts say that there are lines what their equation are y=0.5x and y=-0.5x.
On the screen the angle between the two lines is … hmmm doesn't matter, keep in mind that it represends a right angle virtually.
So this is what you have to see :
Two pixels width and one height, it's a base of Simutrans'graphics, you have to know it and it must be the first thing that comes to your mind when you draw. You draw in a rhombus with a great diagonal of 128 pixels (or other according to the paksets) and you have to see with this angle.
Let's begin with a simple exercise. In photofiltre, draw lines of 48*24 pixels in both directions (from top to bottom and from bottom to top) with width of 1 witheout antialiasing.
Lines'drawing is important, it's the structure of what you build. However you can see in the exercise above that there's a pixel in excess at the bottom right of the first line and the top right of the second line. It's a photofiltre's problem, this pixel shoudn't be here … you can remove it. Even you know how to draw lines with the line tool, this tool isn't practical to use on small parts, you have to know how to draw lines pixel by pixel to gain some time (one pixel above, two pixels on the right, one pixel above, two pixels on the right, …).
To learn the way to draw lines, draw these lines by the same way. Of course zoom in to gain precision …
To make this knowledge of lines perfect, let's see how it is on the corners of a tile.
A “tile” is a square in games based on squares. It's the case of Simutrans which the word “tile” is often used about.
Notice here the combination of the both lines. On the left, to make bottom and top corners, lines are put beside each other, so we have a four pixels corner composed of the extremities of each line. On the right these extremities are merged as you can see with twice colored pixels. Practice by reproducing the corners with the paintbrush tool and the max zooming in.
The paintbrush tool in Photofiltre
To end lines : a small exercise :
Reproduce the picture below with the line tool and/or the paintbrush tool. First draw the base tile, then the red lines. Finish with the other lines. Don't hesit to use colors.
When you draw horizontal or vertical lines, the number of pixels displayed in coordinates is wrong, the final result will have one pixel more than displayed. So if you draw a vertical line with H=10, the real line will be 11 pixels height. The coordinates displayed inthe exercise are the real coordinates.
Of course we can't see lines of objects in Simutrans, they're virtual. However we can guess them watching sides of objects, indeed lines determine sides that compose the object. This is what I mean :
Here we can't see lines on the right graphic. In fact, even it's possible, lines of an object are never drawn before sides, sides are directly drawn. Maybe it looks a bit difficult for a beginner bu finally it's much simpler. Let's start with a simple cube … We are going to make a 64 pixels sided cube. We have three sides to draw, the top side will be exactrly like a simple tile : a 64 pixels sided square which appears like a rhombus on the screen. Draw it (in light grey or with a color, as you wish).
To draw fastly such symmetrical objects : draw a 64*32 px line, reproduce it (copy and paste) and invert it symmetrically, place it in front of the first one (they must touch each other). Copy-paste all, invert it symmetrically, paste it beside the first part. You have a rhombus that you just have to fill.
Then the South side is drawn, in a lighter grey or in another color by this way : draw two vertical lines of 32 pixels at each extremity and draw at their bottom a 64*32 px line. See :
Don't hesit to copy this picture and zoom in to si details if you need.
Finally we have to fill this shape, make the other side repeating this or copying, pasting, horizontal symmetry, place the selection to have the Eastern side and unselect. In this case you have to sides same colored, make the selection appear with show selection icon, fill the light grey side with dark grey.
This is the result : a cube !
So cubes are nice and very simple but it's not all the pixel-art, how to create more complicated shapes ? For polyhedrons (with flat sides) we are going to see it, for cylinders, spheres, and other such rounded things we'll see it later because it's necessary to learn other things.
Think you have to make a section of the cube as defined by the red lines :
To make sections, if you have well defined it (copy the picture and zoom in to see the details), it's very simple. Draw along red lines, other lines which are colored with the color of the future side. Here a lighter grey is used. Draw lines along the section (if you drew red lines before you can use “replace color”).
This is the result, then as indicated on the picture, remove pieces in excess and fill the other ones :
Of course process described here aren't the only possible ones, you can draw sides one by one witheout making a section (it's even recommanded …)
I think you understood however let's see how to draw sides one by one.
For top faces it's already explained above. For a lateral vertical side, you just have to draw an horizontal line (horizontal according to space, not on the screen) and extend its extremities with vertical lines, close the shape and fill it. See some schemas :
Here I used a usual direction fot the base line but you can use any direction, as long as lateral side are vertical you'll have a vertical side. Of course we can maje non rectangular sides, see here :
Non rectangular sides can be intuitive when you are used to them but you can be helped by a structure, like here in grey, which you remove at the end of course. Thanks to this structure, you can create some strange shaped sides …
Don't worry, such shapes aren't usually directly made, they're mostly created by the intersection or the merging of simpler shapes …
It's the same way for inclined sides : you can make them intuitively like the pixel-art master with his eagle eye and his perfect spatialization or you can make a tridimensional grey structure which is removed at the end like a newbie reading a tutorial :
So, with this we can make everything except rounded sides, we can make the shape we want ! Then, you're going to make the shape I want !
Here is a bit different way, we build sides starting with the first one. It's the usual way. Let's make a small house (which we'll continue with the other parts of this tutorial). Follow the steps … (place the first side exactly at the same step as me). Be carefull to have the same thing as me along this exercise.
1) Draw the first side with the defined dimensions (use the same color, it's important).
2) Draw the red lines thanks to the red dots. Keep only their part between the base and their intersection. The rest is removed. It's the beginning of the roof.
3) Create a extension on the first side. Notice the exact shape of the corners !
4) Create a second extension on the first one. Be careful again with the corners'structure. Then draw a line between the two red dots.
5) Then, begine the roof. Define with a red line the limit of the roof. I zoomed in structures of the corners which get a bit complicated …
6) You see that the first line of the roof is 46*23 px, reproduce it on the two other corners.
8) The lines aren't really of the right color, recolor them with the color of the side they will be part of. Try and check with this picture …
9) End by filling ! this is ou future first building, keep it we are going to use it later …
As you saw in some shapes above, sides are defined mostly with their lighting. Indeed as in real, Simutrans has a Sun, which is stationary. It shines on the South and its rays come to the ground with a 60° angle as shown on this picture :
We can define the lighting by maths but don't worry I'm not going to do this for this time.
Before seeing complicated things, see how it just works. On these screenshots of the game, you can easily see that the most lighted sides are Southern ones :
Notice that, since the angle between the Sun's rays and the ground is 60°, the top sides of objects will be more lighted than lateral Southern sides.
Usually it's rare that top sides of an object are the same as the Southern side so this specifity has to be taken care of.
Here is a cube to explain this :
The top side is the most lighted, then the Southern side is well lighted and the Eastern one is the less lighted.
To be sure to understand the lighting, light this truncated cube with the greys below (two of the sides will have the same lighting).
This is the solution, of course the pink and the yellow sides are same lighted since they're symmetricaly placed on each side of the North-South axis. Except some ambiguities, here is the result you must have :
currently, knowing that the Sun lights with an angle of 60° with the ground, we could do some trigonometry but we aren't going to do such an horror.
With buildings, when sides are too big, a simple color can give a void impression … So textures are used.
Of course we have to adjust the orientation of the texture we have. There are two ways to do it.
Firstly choose a texture to apply to the side. Copy this picture in photofiltre :
As you can see the sides we have to texture aren't as orientated as the texture. We have to adjust it. Copy it in the same picture and go in free transformation. Incline vertical axis by -50%.
We must have this. Let it here.
We are going to see the second way. Cut the original (keep it in the clipboard or somewhere else). This texture was 86*63 pixels. Draw a parallelogram 63 pixels height and which bases are 86*43 px. This is the result :
Paste the original texture, its right side must be on the right side of the parallelogram. Then right click\distort, place the left corners on the parallelogram's ones. This is the result :
This way is less precise but can be practical in difficult cases.
Here textures aren't placed normaly according to the sides we are coing to texture. It's a mistake, do a vertical symmetry on the textures.
Now let's prepare the shape we are going to texture. Make an horizontal selection around and color the background of the selection with a showy color (red for example).
The following process consists in applying the lighting the the sides to the texture. If they're just pasted on with transparency, the texture is going to lose colors. So we are going to make its colors brighter. Select it, filter\color\colored layer and do a inverted layer with 127/127/127 grey with 50% transparency. So the color we are going to remove with our sides'grey is added.
This process can be done only the grey sides !
See the result :
Now copy and paste the sides on the texture with a 50% transprency, check that grey sides are well placed on the texture's sides. This is the result :
Now we have to remove the borders which are useless. Paste the same selection with no transparency and the grey transparent. Place it at the right place. Then clean the result by removing the red and the texture's pieces in excess : so these are bricks walls :
The tolerance is often not sufficiant to make all greys transprent or it makes transparend a color which is not supposed to be. To fiw this problem, change your different greys into a simple showy color before the second paste, then make this color transparend when pasting.
We are going to see something very important to make your graphics much nicer. See the result : on the left is the picture before and on the right is the picture after, free to you to conclude …
borders are made softer and more real. How does it work : when you draw a diagonal line, as seen at the begining of this tutorial, there are crenels, the problem is that we can see these crenels on the final result … and it'd definitly ugly ! We have to make them disappear by making the lines softer. Anti-aliasing process can be seen on pak128 graphics, graphics which haven't such one are usually not included in the pakset.
You can see on the picture above that the borders between the object and the background aren't antialiased, indeed here it's not important but when drawing a source picture for Simutrans, the background is a transparency color, if a color is different it will be displayed in the game. If borders of an object are antialiased, a blue surrounding will appear in the game, and it's not very aesthetic…
Let's start serious things ! We are going to start by simple things to explain the several ways of antialiasing.
The most simple : antialiasing is made only on one side of the line :
This is the result we will have. Notice the pixels'structure … on the left is the base structure. On the right I highlighted pixels which are going to be antialiased.
You can see that antialiased pixels are ones which are in the crenels. But how to antialias them ? How to make the line “softer” ? Simple : there's a crenel effect because the color difference is big, the limit is brutal, and it can be seen easily since pixels are squares. We have to reduce the contrast between the two colors. The pixels inside the crenel are going to me mixed. In this case it will be 50% of each color, and this is the result :
How to do that ? Here is a color mix, the most practical way to do it is by zooming in to the max and use the line tool on only one pixel with one of the two colors and 50% transparency on the other color.
If there is a long line, you can do it faster by drawing a line with 50% transprency between the two color. The first color won't be changed since it's used as color to draw the line.
Notice that the line tool has a parameter “antialias”, it can be used in a few situations because the antialiasing of lines isn't very good for this use.
Now see a second way : a bit more complicated. Taking the same example, this is the result with the second way :
If you look at it well, you see that the border is softer than above. This time pixels are modified on each side of the line :
But this time we don't use 50% opacity using the line tool, because we would have a central line with every pixel of the same color whereas the purpose is doing something like a gradient between the highlighted pixels. So on the pixels of the color 1 we are going to mix 33% of the color 2 and on the color 2 33% of the color 1. See :
Each way has its caracteristics, the first one makes the first color a bit more important than the second since it overtakes the limit. It can be used on small graphics. Plus it lets the limit very precise being nice to see. The second way doesn't change the importance of the two colors and gives a softer aspect to the limit, sometimes a blur aspect.
Now you know everything, antialias yourself the left part of the picture. Then check your result with the right part.Lines in Photofiltre
Antialias this buidling too :
There's a problem : all lines aren't 1*2 or 1*1 pixels, how to antialias other lines ??
There are two possible ways to do. You can do the same as the other lines : play with the transparency :
Or use the line tool with antialiasing on on small parts of the line :
Here the red pixels'color is used : dark grey. Then reproduce all. You can draw all the line in one time but be careful with the Photofiltre's line tool …
Result :
Nicer, isn't it ? The antialiasing is really important for graphics, you MUST do it.
Somebody try to use the soft tool of Photofiltre, this tool is really not like an antialiasing, it destroys your work, making it unusable for Simutrans, all it does is mixing pixels witheout any good result.
There are in Simutrans special colors to do a lot of useful things but they can be a pain too. Here they are :
Okay it's not very easy like this … let's explain it :
You can see that for each color you have an hex code, useful to use it in Photofiltre witheout loading a picture containing these colors.
This is a more compact form for special colors :
There is not exactly two packages of colors, the second one is explained below. The first one contains on the first line the player color 1, on the second line the player color 2. The other lines are divided into three rectangles. The first one is for lights, then the second one is for windows (the windows which isn't lighted with the same color as others is pointed with a red dot) and the third one is for non darkening greys and the background color (at the bottom left of the rectangle).
But sometimes drawing some special colors which aren't supposed to appear do so, to remove them you just have to change them by one RGB unit, the second package of colors are wrong special colors to replaced these bothering special colors. Use the replace color tool to replace them.
Let's end this part with some examples of special colors use on this piece of z22500 source picture.
To make a rounded aspect, gradient is used. A gradient between the lightest and darkest color is done, if the picture is going to be textured, the gradient is made of grey.
Facile à faire grâce au dégradé, il servira également d'exemple … Voici le cylindre qu'on veut éclairer :
La partie bleue doit donc être éclairée, sachant que le Soleil éclaire par le Sud. On va beaucoup constraster nos couleurs de façon à pouvoir le texturer ensuite si besoin. Il faut repérer les couleurs suivantes : les couleurs des extrémités et la couleur la plus claire :
Ensuite on mesure les longueurs entre chaque trait avec les traits compris et on fait les dégradés sur une autre image entre ces couleurs :
Pour finir on colle le cylindre bleu sur ces dégradés avec le bleu en couleur de transparence :
Pour faire un dique parallèle au sol en perspective pour Simutrans, on trace une ellipse dont la largeur est deux fois plus grande que la hauteur. Toute forme qui sera représentée parallèle au sol sera la même forme mais dont la hauteur est divisée par deux.
Les autres arrondis fonctionnent sur le même système mais on ne peut pas faire directement un dégradé pour les représenter. La méthode la plus simple est de représenter les différentes luminosités par des couleurs vives et facilement repérables, ensuite on fait un dégradé entre la couleur la plus foncée et la plus claire et on remplace les couleurs vives par les couleurs du dégradé :
Le but est de donner un effet réaliste de mirroir comme les surfaces vitrée d'un gratte-ciel (bien sûr on peut le faire avec d'autres matières et sur d'autres objets …).
Voici l'horreur que nous allons légèrement embellir :L'effet sera bien entendu sur la partie bleue. Voici le ciel que nous allons mettre :
Comme pour texturer différentes parties d'un objet, on va faire un second bâtiment à partir du premier mais en remplaçant la surface vitrée par une surface rouge et nette, on peut le faire en se servant des sélections de photofiltre :
Pour appliquer ce morceau de ciel au bâtiment, on le fait avec transparence, entre 30 et 70% selon l'effet voulu, ici on utilisera une transparence de 50% pour coller la première image sur le ciel. voila le résultat :Bien sûr on ne veut garder que la partie vitrée du bâtiment, on va coller par-dessus cette image la seconde image en mettant le rouge en couleur transparente :
Lorsqu'on a des anti-crénelages sur ces surfaces, l'idéal est de faire plusieurs fois cette manipulation : par exemple ici on aurait pu faire une première fois cette manipulation pour l'intérieur de la surface vitrée et une seconde fois uniquement avec les pixels constituant l'anti-crénelage entre la surface vitrée et le reste mais avec une transparence de 25%. Heureusement sur des petites surfaces on ne voit pas trop ce problème.
On aurait également pu appliquer l'effet uniquement sur le bleu de la surface vitrée, il aurait fallu faire une image rouge en se servant de l'outil remplacer une couleur de photofiltre, ou même en collant directement avec le bleu en transparence.
Pas vraiment de démonstrations pour cette technique … il s'agit d'ajouter une touche de réalisme aux objets en rendant extremement lumineuses les surfaces éclairer verticalement par le Soleil ou presque. On n'hésite pas à utiliser du blanc pour ces surfaces mais en fait il s'agit généralement de quelques pixels. Voyons des exemples :
rvg_tigress : On distingue le trait très clair sur la bande orange tournée vers le Soleil.
SNCF_z5300 :Ici l'effet a été poussé à l'extrême car le z5300, familièrement nommé “petit gris”, est métalisé. L'effet de reflet réaliste peut donc donner une information visuelle sur la nature de l'objet. Voyons d'autres exemples pour terminer :
Afin de reprendre presque toutes les techniques vues sur ce tuto, nous allons faire ce bâtiment :Il n'est pas spécialement beau mais il permet de reprendre pas mal de techniques. Attention je ne détaillerais pas plus que ça les étapes vu que chaque technique a déjà été vue plus tôt !
On va commencer par construire chaque partie du bâtiment, n'hésitez tout le long de l'exercice à copier une image pour zoomer et bien voir ce qu'on fait.
Voila pour la construction de base. Ensuite il s'agit d'anti-créneler le tout. Faites des anti-crénelage sur deux cases pour les lignes gris-gris et gris-bleu foncé, et des anti-crénelage sur une case pour les autres (zoom sur cette image pour plus d'infos) :On a donc ici une vision de ce que deviendra le bâtiment. Mettons des fenêtres plus réalistes et une petite allée entre la porte et le trottoir :
La manipulation qui suit est un peu complexes : en texturant le bâtiment on aura besoin de mélanger les textures au niveau des anti-crénelage. Avec un peu d'organisation voici ce qu'on fait : faites trois copies de l'image et grâce à l'outil baguette magique faites très facilement trois images avec des pixels rouges pour les pixels d'anti-crénelage 67%, 33% et 50%. Voir image poir plus de compréhension :
Voila les images qu'on obtient en supprimant sur chaque copie tout ce qui n'est pas rouge (en jouant sur les sélection et grâce à l'outil baguette magique) :
On va ensuite commencer par texturer les fenêtres puis le sol : sur deux nouvelles copies de l'image isolez chaque fenêtre et le bleu du sol, l'anti-crénelage lié à chacun sera compris dans l'image en étant recolorié comme si c'était pas un anti-crénelage (voir image …..) :
Texturez les respectivement avec les images suivantes :
en suivant la méthode d'effet vitre pour les fenêtre : coller avec 50% de transparence et coller le contour par-dessus; et tout simplement avec le bleu transparent pour la troisième image, mettez le tout dans une même image, voici le résultat :
Texturez l'image principale sur la texture suivante avec 50% de transparence (collez avec la transparence puir coller les contours que vous aurez sélectionné avec l'outil baguette magique), il faut mettre tous les anti-crénelage en gris pour cette opération (voir image pour plus d'info).
C'est ensuite qu'interviennent les images en points rouges faites tout à l'heure. Il nous reste les images en point rouge, les deux images ci-dessus. Faites trois copies de l'image avec les vitres et le sol texturés et collez sur chacun d'elle les images en pointillés avec le rouge en transparence. Vous obtenez des pointillés comme sur cet exemple :Collez également les trois images de pointillés rouges successivement avec le fond en transparence sur l'image avec vitres et sol texturés, et supprimez les pixels en rouge. Ensuite c'est la fin : collez les pointillés sur l'image avec le bâtiment texturé avec les transparences adéquates (33%, 50% et 67%) avec fond totalement transparent et collez l'image avec vitre et sol texturés avec fond transparent. Voici le résultat :
Pour terminer, utilisez ces fenêtres comme vous voulez pour agrémenter le bâtiment (pour les mettres sur les surfaces en pente, utilisez la distorsion ou l'inclinaison). Voici un résultat possible :
L'idéal pour ce bâtiment aurait été d'incliner la texture de béton selon les faces du bâtiment, mais en comprenant les anti-crénelages cela aurait été beaucoup trop fastidieux. Bien entendu c'est le cas uniquement lorsqu'on utilise des textures, pour des objets plus petit on n'utilise très rarement des textures ce qui raccourcit énormément le travail.
tuto suivant : Chapitre III : fichiers sources.