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Essential parameters

Parameter Description Content Example
obj object type factory
name name text raffinery
intro_year introduction year number 1930
intro_month introduction month number 1
retire_year retire year number 2080
retire_month retire month number 1
copyright name of the creator text Gauthier
location location of the industry internal name Land
DistributionWeight frequency of occurence number 1
productivity min production (units/day) number 320
range productivity + range = max production number 300
pax_level passengers'level (passengers) number
smoke smoke internal name industry_smoke
SmokeTile coordinates of the tile producing the smoke numbers 0,0
SmokeOffset offset of the smoke according to the defined tile numbers 24,-24
SmokeSpeed smoke's speed number 16
x is the number of the good, it starts at 0, there can be as much as needed.
InputGood[x] supply good internal name Oel
InputCapacity[x] storage capacity for the good (units) number 1260
InputSupplier[x] number of supplying indsutries built (any existing industry can be supplier if this parameter is equal to 0) number 2
InputFactor[x] percent of the productivity in consumed goods'units. percent 300
y is the number of the good, it starts at 0, there can be as much as needed.
OutputGood[y] producted good internal name Chemicals
OutputCapacity[y] storage capacity for the good (units) number 150
OutputFactor[y] percent of the productivity in producted goods'units. percent 60
MapColor color used as symbol on the map number 28
climates climate where the building can be constructed internal name temperate

Parameters for production increase due to passenger, mail, and electricity supply (in version > 110.0.1)

Parameters Description Content Example
electricity_boost Increase of production in permill if electricity is supplied number default: 1000
electricity_amount Max electricity per production unit consumption number default: 65535
passenger_demand Demand on passengers per production unit and time number default: 65535
mail_demand Demand on mail per production unit and time number default: 65535
passenger_boost Increase of production in permill if passengers arrived number 0 ou 1
mail_boost Increase of production in permill if mail arrived number 0 ou 1

If passenger_demand/mail_demand parameters are not specified (or set to 65535) then passenger_demand = pax_level, mail_demand = pax_level / 4 is take


It defines where the industry is built : in the sea (oil rig) or on the ground (raffinery) or near a town (service station).

Name Description
Land on the ground
Water in the sea
City near a town


Smokes of pak128

industry_smoke is used for industries.



Climates in Simutrans

Don't use a climate allows a building to be build everywhere. It's possible to use several climates by separating them with a comma, example :

climates=desert, temperate, tundra, rocky


Industry with fields

Parameters to add to industry's ones

Parameter Description Content Example
max_fields max number of fields number 36
min_fields min number of fields number 10
probability_to_spawn probability to create a field when the industry is running percent *0,01 (100 1%) 10

x is the number of the field, it starts at 0, there can be as much as needed. An industry can't have several fields before Simutrans version 103 and makeobj version 51.
fields[x] name of the field text kornfeld_1
production_per_field[x] production per field number 5
storage_capacity[x] storage capacity of a field number 100
spawn_weight[x] frequency of field building number 25
has_snow[x] use winter graphics for this field boolean 0

Essential parameters of a field

Parameter Description Content Example
obj object type field
name name text kornfeld_1
copyright name of the creator text Gauthier

Graphical parameters of a field

Image[0]=winter witheout snow
Image[4]=winter with snow (if parameter has_snow is used)

Making a power plant

To make a power plant, add “kraftwerk” at the end of the factory's name. example : “Nuclearkraftwerk”.