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Les stations permettent de lier l'environnement du jeu avec votre réseau, les passagers en partent et y arrivent, les marchandises sont stockées dans les stations en attente du prochain train qui les emmènera à la bonne industrie, etc …

Stations are useful to connect the game's environnement to your network, passengers go from them and arrive to them, goods are stored in stations waiting for the next train to carry them to the next industry, etc …


Stations are built with the stations'tool in the toolbox of each waytype. Most of the stations are built on a straight section of way :station01.jpgIf you build a station or a extension next to an existing station, the new building will be part of the same station, so it's possible to align several station units to make a bigger one, put several platforms next to each other to make conections, hubs, etc …station04.jpgIt's useful alsmost for trains, trams, maglevs and monorails since they can be longer than a single tile. Some waytypes have terminal stations made to be built only on way extremities :station02.jpg

II.Informations and working

As all tools, informations about a station appears when you let the cursor a second on the icon in the toolbox. Stations can be different by their capacity (from 16 to undreds of units). Stations are used by vehicles which stop in then to load and unload their content, a station can receive passengers, mails and goods according to the type of station used. Indeed some stations can receive only passengers, some other can receive only goods. It's possible to see what a station can mannage, usualy a tiny icon is at top left of a station icon : it represents passengers, mails or goods. It can be seen in a station's info window too :Let's detail this window : at top is the name of the station which can be changed by clicking on, just below are several signs : color bar, visible above the station too, indicates the state of the station :

  • yellow : no schedule at this station, nothing waiting.
  • green : no improvement necessary.
  • orange : station slightly overcrowded
  • red : the station is overcrowded by 1,5 times its capacity or has 200 unhappy passengers or a industry had to stop working because the station is overcrowded. These stations will be reported as overcrowded next month.

The next icons indicate what the station can receive : in this screenshot the station can receive passengers and mails for example.

The next icons indicate the waytypes connected to the station.

The storage capacity is the ammount of units (passengers, goods units, etc …) that the station can receive.

Below, happy passengers are passengers who began their journey at this station, the station wasn't overcrowded so they waited for a vehicle. Unhappy passengers are passengers who began their journey in this station which was overcrowded so they didn't stay. The passengers with no route didn't find a route to their destination so they didn't stay too.

Passengers whose route pass by overcrowded stations might not use the network, they're reported as no route.

Having a lot of satisfied passengers makes a city grow faster.

The picture of the station at top right is not really useful but you can center the screen on the station by clicking on it (useful if you opened the station's window from the station's list).

Below are the passengers/goods waiting at the station, you can list them by different ways by clicking on the left icon (“via (amount)” on the screenshot).

  • amount : passengers sorted by destination in descending order.
  • Destination : passengers sorted by destination in alphabetic order.
  • Via (detail) : passengers sorted by their next stop in alphabetic order.
  • Via (amount) : passengers sorted by their next stop in descending order.

To see easily what line is overcrowded, the best is to use via (amount).

The chart icon is to see the evolution of some parameters of the station in time (if you like stats). The details icon is to see conected industries, conected lines, goods requested by conected industries and stations conected by the conected lines.

III.Improve a station

It's possible to improve a station (increase its capacity for example) by adding station extensions (warehoused, passenger's buildings, etc …) or by improving existing buildings : you can replace a station building with a better one by clicking on the old one, so it will be replaced by the new one.


La station pouvant parfois s'enrhumer il est utile de lui donner une couverture, cela évite de graves problèmes de courbatures du réseau ou de fièvre des passagers.

La couverture d'une station est la zone dans laquelle des bâtiments peuvent entrer en contact avec la station, par exemple les bâtiments de villes dans la zone de couverture d'une station pourront générer des passagers qui iront à cette station, des industres se trouvant dans la zone de couverture pourront échanger des marchandises avec la station. Il est possible de voir la couverture de la station avec le raccourci clavier “v”. Lorsque vous désservez une ville, assurez-vous que tous les bâtiments de la ville soient couverts par une station. Les rues en revanche n'ont pas besoin d'êtres couvertes.

Tutoriel suivant : Construire des ports