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Misc addons

Here is a bunch of addons from SNFOS creators.


Name Progress Comments Author Download
Angers'castle progression90.jpg Beta version explaination text to be done Aquel chateau_d_angers.zip
Eiffel Tower progression90.jpg Beta version explaination text to be done no ilumination on this beta Aquel building.tour_eiffel.pak
Primary school progression10.jpg French school built in 50-60 mEGa
Cathedral of Chartres progression10.jpg simplified sight of the existing cathedral mEGa
Mont Saint Michel progression10.jpg simplified sight of the existing site; ploppable on water; a great challenge may be ;-) mEGa

Industry chains

Name Progress Comments Author Download
Perfume and bunch industry progression90.jpg Beta online (including fleur.good, parfum.good and bouquet.good), final building is done (Deluxe gallerie) inspired of a real Louis Vuitton shop in paris! Aquel parfumerie_bouquet_supply_chain.zip
Wine including grape farm with fields, castle producing wine, agricultural coop, good grape, good wine, good cheese Gwalch industrywine.zip
Cheese including cheese dairy, agricultural coop, good cheese, good wine Gwalch industrycheese.zip
French Food
including all the following chains : wine, cheese, biscuit, foie gras

mEGa and Gwalch frenchfood.zip

Industry pieces

Furniture dealer progression90.jpg to close the furniture chain after the fabric; Included winter version and animated sign neon advertise. Beta version mEGa furniture_dealer.pak.zip
Little Supermarket progressionover2.jpg to sell regional products (included in “french food”) mEGa
Pastry-making LU progression90.jpg piece of future Pastry-business chain (included in “french food”), miss the winter view mEGa
Farmhouse progressionover2.jpg
piece of future regional products chain : poultry, eggs and “foie gras”

including Factory and goods “FoieGras” and “Eggs”

Will be included in future chains “FoieGras” and “Biscuit” (already included in “french food”)
mEGa & Gwalch Poulterer_Farm-and-goods


Name Progress Comments Author Download
Bike from the Tron Movie progressionover2.jpg A simple tribute to this movie released in 1982 3 bikes: city_car, passengers transportations, postal. they're available from 1982 to 2010. Aquel tron_bike.zip