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Intallation of addons for Simutrans is a common point of confusion for beginners. This page will attempt to better detail the process of addons installing.
Simutrans is usually present in two places of your computer. The installation directory, usually placed in your programs, contains the executable file of Simutrans (in windows : simutrans.exe or sim-winsdl.exe, etc …), it also contains folders of the paksets you installed. Look for the pakset you want to install addons for, and notice its exact name.
example : D:\simutrans\pak128
You should as well find a simutrans directory in your documents. It contains a folder named “save”, which contains your savegames, and may contain folders “screenshot” and “maps”. You are going to install your addons here. In the “simutrans” directory, create a new directory named “addons” unless it already exists. In this one, create a new directory with the same name as the name of the pakset you noticed in the previous paragraph. You have to put your addons (.pak files) in the last directory you just created.
example : C:\Users\Gauthier\Documents\Simutrans\addons\pak128
If you did this correctly, the game will ask you either to load a pak with its addons or not. Installation of your addons is successful.
If it didn't work, check the exact spelling of the folders you have created, check for uppercase letters. Do a copy-paste if necessary.
You may temporarily place your addons directly in the pakset's directory (in the installation directory of Simutrans). Then, you can ask for help on the [http://forum.simutrans.com|Simutrans'forum].