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agvdoc.jpgThe AGV (Automotrice à Grande Vitesse - high speed railcar) is the latest high speed train from Alstom. It's the successor of the TGV even if this time SNCF doesn't take part of its development. As the TGV, the AGV uses the axle placed between the cars but however the engine is distributed along the train, on the bogies, so the AGV got more space for passengers and more lightness, notice that the AGV is the only train with the TGV 001 to have both intermediate bogies and distributed engine. The AGV's engine also used permanent magnets'engines improving its ratio power/weight, running cost and maintenance cost regarding the TGV.

The prototype PEGASE assembled in La Rochelle's factories in February 2008 staid six months in Czech Republic for a test campaign.

The AGV will be used first by the private Italian company Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori which bought 25 trains for 2011.

source : Wikipedia

Technical datas in Simutrans

vehicle speed power capacity weight gear energy
Alstom_AGV_front 360 km/h 1520 kW 40 passengers 41 t *2.3 électric



360 km/h 760 kW 56 passengers 38 t *2.3 électric
Alstom_AGV_rear 360 km/h 760 kW 40 passengers 41 t *2.3 électric