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en:misc [2011/03/24 21:17] megaen:misc [2013/07/21 19:00] (Version actuelle) – effacée gauthier
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-====== Misc addons ====== 
-Here is a bunch of addons from SNFOS creators. 
-===== Buildings ===== 
-^Name ^Progress ^Comments ^Author ^Download | 
-^**Angers'castle**  |{{:fr:progression90.jpg}} |Beta version explaination text to be done |Aquel |<wrap download>{{:fr:chateau_d_angers.zip|chateau_d_angers.zip}}</wrap> | 
-^**Eiffel Tower**  |{{:fr:progression90.jpg}} |Beta version explaination text to be done no ilumination on this beta |Aquel |<wrap download>{{:fr:building.tour_eiffel.pak|building.tour_eiffel.pak}}</wrap> | 
-^**Primary school** |{{:fr:progression80.jpg}} | French school built in 50-60 | mEGa | | 
-^**Cathedral of Chartres** |{{:fr:progression10.jpg}} | simplified sight of the existing cathedral | mEGa | | 
-^**Mont Saint Michel** |{{:fr:progression10.jpg}} | simplified sight of the existing site; ploppable on water; big challenge may be ;-)  | mEGa | | 
-===== Industry chains ===== 
-^Name ^Progress ^Comments ^Author ^Download | 
-^Perfume and bunch industry |{{:fr:progression90.jpg}} |Beta online (including fleur.good, parfum.good and bouquet.good), final building is done (Deluxe gallerie) inspired of a real Louis Vuitton shop in paris! |Aquel |<wrap download>{{:fr:parfumerie_bouquet_supply_chain.zip|parfumerie_bouquet_supply_chain.zip}}</wrap> | 
-^Wine | |including grape farm with fields, castle producing wine, agricultural coop, good grape, good wine, good cheese |Gwalch |<wrap download> [[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=fr:industrywine.zip|industrywine.zip]] </wrap> | 
-^Cheese | |including cheese dairy, agricultural coop, good cheese, good wine |Gwalch |<wrap download> [[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=fr:industrycheese.zip|industrycheese.zip]] </wrap> | 
-^French Food | | \\ including all the following chains : wine, cheese, biscuit, foie gras \\  \\ [[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/doku.php?id=en:frenchfood|PAGE DOC]]  \\  |mEGa and Gwalch |<wrap download> [[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=fr:frenchfood.zip|frenchfood.zip]] </wrap> | 
-===== Industry pieces ===== 
-^Furniture dealer |{{:fr:progression90.jpg}} |to close the furniture chain after the fabric; Included winter version and animated sign neon advertise. Beta version |mEGa |{{:fr:furniture_dealer.pak.zip|furniture_dealer.pak.zip}} | 
-^Little Supermarket |{{:en:progressionover2.jpg}} |to sell regional products (included in “french food”) |mEGa || 
-^Pastry-making LU |{{:fr:progression90.jpg}} |piece of future Pastry-business chain (included in “french food”), miss the winter view |mEGa || 
-^Farmhouse |{{:en:progressionover2.jpg}} | \\ piece of future regional products chain : poultry, eggs and “foie gras”    \\  \\ including Factory and goods “FoieGras” and “Eggs”    \\  \\ Will be included in future chains “FoieGras” and “Biscuit” (already included in “french food”) |mEGa & Gwalch |<wrap download> [[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=fr:poulterer_farm-and-goods.zip|Poulterer_Farm-and-goods ]] </wrap> | 
-===== Others ===== 
-^Name ^Progress ^Comments ^Author ^Download | 
-^Bike from the Tron Movie |{{:en:progressionover2.jpg}} |A simple tribute to this movie released in 1982 3 bikes: city_car, passengers transportations, postal. they're available from 1982 to 2010. |Aquel |<wrap download>{{:fr:tron_bike.zip|tron_bike.zip}}</wrap> | 