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Class Z5600 is a suburban double-deck EMU used by SNCF on RER and transilien network (Paris'suburb lines).

These trains follow VB 2n, using same double-deck layout, though engines are distributed along the train whereas VB 2n need a locomotive. A such layout gives better adherence and performance on lines with frequent stops, therefore this train is adapted to suburban service.

Z5600 cars were built before their propelled carriages, thus they were first used in three carriages surrounded by two locomotives pattern. The first complete units replaced class Z5300 on RER line C. Then, when class Z20500 were delivered, Z5600 have been dedicated to far suburb service (mostly Transilien line R, south-east of Paris).

Firstly used in four carriages units, two carriages have been added so as to gain capacity (at the expense of a loss in acceleration).


Name Speed Power Weight Capacity
140 km/h 1400 kW 65 t 170 passengers
140 km/h 0 kW 41 t 248 passengers
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