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z50000.jpgThe z50000 also named “NAT” (“Nouvelle Automotrice Transilien” - “New Transilien Auto-engine”) are brand new trains constructed by Bombardier in Crespin from 2009. They are supposed to replace these z6100 cans which are still in use in the Parisian suburb.

This train has got the same property as the AGV : it uses inter-vehicle bogies whose some are engined (in the real configurations with seven or eight vehicles, there are five engined bogies with a whole power of 2620 kW).

The interior arrangement has a completely flat floor with wide interconnections between each car.

SNCF contracted 1,850,000,000 € with Bombardier to order 172 units of z50000; paid by both SNCF and STIF. This contract was difficult to conclude because of Alstom which lost it (some say that Alstom had reasons to think that the z50000 isn't reliable).

Actually there are two possible unit configurations : The eight vehicles one 112,5m long and the seven vehicles one 94,3m long whose central car is shortened. Both have five engined bogies.

Technical datas in Simutrans

vehicle speed power capacity weight gear energy

140 km/h 524 kW 109 passengers 37 t *1 electric

140 km/h 524 kW 109 passengers 36 t *1 electric
SNCF_z50000_enginecar 140 km/h 524 kW 109 passengers 35 t *1 electric
SNCF_z50000_car 140 km/h 0 120 passengers 18 t *1 electric
SNCF_z50000_shortcar 140 km/h 0 89 passengers 11 t *1 electric