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Alstom Citadis 302 “Lyonâ€

tramlyon.jpgThe current tramway network in Lyon comprises four lines. Line T1 opened in 2001; T2 opened in 2001; T3 opened at the end of 2006; and line T4 opened in 2009. The tramway system complements the Lyon metro and forms an integral part to the public transportation system (TCL) in Lyon. The tramway network in Lyon was first developed in 1879, but the modern network was not built until 2001. The network is currently served by 73 Alstom Citadis 302 trams.

source : wikipedia

Technical datas dans Simutrans :

vehicule speed power capacity weight gear energy disponibility
Citadis_302_Lyon_1 70 km/h 334 kW/h 45 passengers 8 t 0,8 electric 2001-2016
Citadis_302_Lyon_2 70 km/h NA 40 passengers 8 t NA electric 2001-2016
Citadis_302_Lyon_3 70 km/h NA 30 passengers 6 t NA electric 2001-2016
Citadis_302_Lyon_4 70 km/h NA 40 passengers 8 t NA electric 2001-2016
Citadis_302_Lyon_5 70 km/h 334 kW/h 45 passengers 8 t 0,8 electric 2001-2016