[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]] ====== Pedestrians ====== ===== Graphics ===== This is the graphical pattern for pedestrians, place your pictures on the red marks (the tiny green mark is the front of the pedestrian). Remove blue diamond once finished : {{ fr:tuto:dat:tramepedestrian.png }} .dat part according to the graphics : Image[S]=image.x.0\\ Image[E]=image.x.2\\ Image[SE]=image.x.4\\ Image[SW]=image.x.7\\ Image[N]=image.x.1\\ Image[W]=image.x.3\\ Image[NW]=image.x.5\\ Image[NE]=image.x.6 ===== Essential parameters ===== |**Parameter** |**Description ** |**Content** |**Example ** | |obj |object type |pedestrian || |name |name |text |pedestrian_1 | |Copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier | |DistributionWeight |frequency of occurrence |number |4 | [[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]