[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]
====== Trees ======
===== Graphics =====
The tree's trunk must be on the center of the tile, for every picture the trunk of the tree must be EXACTLY at the same place. There are five graphics for each age of the tree :\\
image[0][x]=bush\\ image[1][x]=smal tree\\ image[2][x]=medium tree\\ image[3][x]=big tree\\ image[4][x]=old tree or dead tree
==== Parameter seasons ====
The parameter seasons defines the necessary number of pictu
|**seasons** |**images** |
|seasons=1 |image[x][0]=picture for all the year |
|seasons=2 |image[x][0]=normal/summer image \\ image[x][1]=snowy/winter image |
|seasons=4 |image[x][0]=July to September \\ image[x][1]=October to December \\ image[x][2]=January to March \\ image[x][3]=April to June |
|seasons=5 |image[x][0]=July to September \\ image[x][1]=October to December \\ image[x][2]=January to March \\ image[x][3]=April to June \\ image[x][4]=snowy/winter image |
===== Essential parameters =====
|**Parameter** |**Description ** |**Content** |**Example ** |
|obj |object type |tree ||
|name |name |text |tree_01 |
|Copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier |
|DistributionWeight |frequency of occurence |number |1 |
|[[en:tutoclimates|climates]] |climates where the tree grows |internal name |temperate |
[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]