[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]] ====== Citycars ====== Citycars are vehicles moving along in cities of the map, their density is defined by the traffic density adjusted for the map where you are playing. ===== Graphics ===== Vehicles needs eight pictures : one for each direction of the vehicle (North, North-East, East, South-East, South, etc ...). This is the graphical pattern :{{ fr:tuto:dat:tramecitycar.png }}The red mark is the front of the vehicle. This is the graphical part of the .dat file with x for the number of the line in the picture. Image[S]=image.x.2\\ Image[E]=image.x.0\\ Image[SE]=image.x.1\\ Image[NE]=image.x.3\\ Image[N]=image.x.4\\ Image[W]=image.x.6\\ Image[NW]=image.x.5\\ Image[SW]=image.x.7 ===== Essential parameters ===== |**Parameter** |**Description ** |**Content** |**Example ** | |obj |object type |citycar || |name |name |text |yellow_citycar | |Copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier | |intro_year |introduction year |number |2019 | |intro_month |introduction month |number |11 | |retire_year |retire year |number |2039 | |retire_month |retire month |number |11 | |speed |max speed (km/h) |number |100 | |DistributionWeight |frequency of occurrence |number |4 | [[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]