[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]
====== Citybuildings, curiosities, monuments, etc ... ======
===== Graphics =====
[[en:tutobuilding2|Graphics for a building]]
===== Essential parameters =====
|**Parameter** |**Description ** |**Content** |**Example ** |
|obj |object type |building ||
|type |building type |internal name |res |
|name |name |text |RES_SNFOS_01_80 |
|intro_year |introduction year |number |2000 |
|intro_month |introduction month |number |1 |
|retire_year |retire year |number |2080 |
|retire_month |retire month |number |1 |
|copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier |
|NoInfo |don't display a window when click on the object |boolean |0 |
|noconstruction |don't display the construction picture |boolean |0 |
|needs_ground |Draw the ground below the building (if it doesn't cover all the tile) |boolean |0 |
|level |level for passengers and mails (passengers/mails -1) |number | \\ 80 |
|[[en:tutoclimates|climates]] |climate where the building can be constructed |internal name |temperate |
==== Type ====
|**Name** |**Description** |
|res |residential buidling |
|com |commercial building |
|ind |industrial building |
|tow |townhall |
|mon |monument |
|cur |curiosity |
|hq |HQ of the player |
==== Level ====
|**type** |com |ind |others |
|**passengers** (%%*%%level) |%%*%%1 |%%*%%1 |%%*%%1 |
|**mails** (%%*%%level) |%%*%%2 |%%*%%0,5 |%%*%%1 |
==== Climates ====
[[en:tutoclimates|Climates in Simutrans]]
Don't use a climate allows a building to be build everywhere. It's possible to use several climates by separating them with a comma, example :
climates=desert, temperate, tundra, rocky
==== Parameter for TOW, MON ====
|**Parameter** |**Description** |**Content** |**Example** |
|build_time |required number of inhabitants of the city to build |nombre |4000 |
==== Parameter for RES, COM, IND, CUR ====
|**Parameter** |**Description** |**Content** |**Example** |
|chance |probabilités que le bâtiment soit construit |nombre |20 |
Pour les attractions touristiques ce nombre va de 20 à 65
==== Define the location of curiosities ====
Nothing to add to place the curiosity anywhere on the map.
For the curiosity to be built in a town (like schools, etc ...) add the parameter "build_time".
For the curiosity to be built on the shore (like lighthouses) use "climates=water".
[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]