====== Infrastructure ======
This page contains all buildings (stations, bridges, tunnels, ways, etc...) for all way types.
[[en:installation_addons|Addons installation tutorial]]
Some objects might have been removed for some reasons. You can still find them in the [[en:archives|archive page]].
===== Station extensions =====
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^Hall and extensions |{{fr:site:progression100e.jpg}} |Created for the graphic contest of 2012. \\ [[en:hall_extended_station_mega|info page]] \\ //Included in pak128 since release 2.1.0// |mEGa |{{fr:hall_extended_station.pak|hall_extended_station.pak}} |
===== Trains =====
==== Tunnels ====
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^Tunnel |{{fr:site:progression10.jpg}} |Work in progress. |Gwalch | |
==== Stations ====
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^SNFOS stations |{{fr:site:progression100e.jpg}} |A set of train stations for pak128 with "half height". \\ [[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=fr:structuresdoc:stationsdoc.png|Preview]] |Gauthier |{{fr:structures:snfosstations.pak|}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
==== Subway stations ===
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^Single way |{{fr:site:progression70.jpg}} |Three versions according to era [[en:subway_stations_mega#parisian_stations_for_single_way|info page]] \\ Work in progress for "half heights". |mEGa |{{fr:subway_station_demi_tile.pak|}} \\ {{fr:src_subway_tations_demi_tile.zip|source files}} |
==== Electrification ====
Those electrifications are made for new version of pak128 with “half height” (with Simutrans 120 or higher). The use of those electrifications into simutrans 112 will produce graphical glitches.
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^Midi type catenary |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |From catenary used by old “Midi” french company. You can see them on the Garabit bridge. \\ \\ Max speed 200 km/h |Gwalch |{{fr:structures:way-object.ogive_midi_catenary.pak|ogive_midi_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Wood gantry catenary |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} | \\ Max speed 120 km/h \\ \\ early era \\ |Gwalch |{{fr:structures:way-object.wood_gantry_catenary.pak|wood_gantry_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Classic catenary |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Adaptation of existant electrification \\ \\ Max speed 120 km/h |Gwalch et Raven |{{fr:structures:way-object.classic_catenary.pak|classic_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Grey type catenary 1930 |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |From catenary used by SNCV during the 30's \\ \\ Max speed 140 km/h |Gwalch |{{fr:structures:way-object.grey_type_catenary.pak|greytype_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Metal mesh pylons catenary |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Max speed 160 km/h |Gwalch |{{fr:structures:way-object.classic_metal_mesh_catenary.pak|metal_mesh_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Steel gantry catenary |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Max speed 180 km/h |Gwalch |{{fr:structures:way-object.steel_gantry_catenary.pak|steel_gantry_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Overhead feeding rail |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Used in France on the “Haut-Bugey” line. \\ \\ Max speed 240 km/h |Gwalch |{{fr:structures:way-object.overhead_feeding_rail.pak|overhead_feeding_rail}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^High Speed catenary |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Adaptation of existant electrification \\ \\ Max speed 320 km/h |Gwalch & Napik |{{fr:structures:way-object.highspeed_catenary.pak|highspeed_catenary}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^High Speed catenary with curved pylons |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Max speed 400 km/h |Gwalch |[[http://www.simutrans-france.fr.nf/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=fr:structures:way-object.curved_pylon_lgv.pak|curved_pylons_LGV]] \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Third rail |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Simple third rail. \\ Max speed 80 km/h \\ Early era. |Gauthier |{{fr:structures:way-object.third_rail.pak|Third_rail}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Covered third rail |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Covered third rail. \\ Max speed 80 km/h \\ Modern era. |Gauthier |{{fr:structures:way-object.plastic_covered_third_rail.pak|Plastic_covered_third_rail}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
^Wood covered third rail |{{fr:site:progression90.jpg}} |Max speed 60 km/h |Gauthier |{{fr:structures:way-object.wood_covered_third_rail.pak|Wood_covered_third_rail}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
==== Others ====
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^Underground depot |{{fr:site:progression100e.jpg}} |Underground depot for underground trains so as to offer more realism. \\ Cette version offre les dépôts ancien & moderne \\ [[fr:subway_stations_mega|page doc]] |mEGa |{{fr:metro:subway_depot.pak|}} \\ {{fr:metro:subway_depot_src.zip|}} |
^Signals |{{fr:site:progression0.jpg}} |Planned set of signals for underground trafic to go with a planned set of tube ways. |mEGa | |
===== Trams =====
==== Ways and electrifications ====
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^grassed tracks |{{fr:site:progression100e.jpg}} | |Gwalch |{{fr:rail_tramway_moderne.pak|rail_tramway_moderne.pak}} |
^ground electrification |{{fr:site:progression100e.jpg}} |[[fr:aps|info page]] |Gwalch |{{fr:aps_electrification.pak|aps_electrification.pak}} \\ included pak128 2.5.0+ |
==== Stations ====
^Name ^Progress ^Notes ^Author ^Download |
^Tram stations |{{fr:site:progression100e.jpg}} |Set of stations to be placed out of a road. \\ Freely inspired from Nantes'stops [[en:page_doc_tram_stop_full|info page]] \\ Release 2.0 with winter images. |mEGa |{{fr:tram_stop_full.pak|tram_stop_full.pak}} |