[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]] ====== Way objects ====== Way objects are mostly used for electrifications (catenaries, third rails, ...) although they can be used as decorations. ===== Png and dat patterns ===== Way objects follow the exact same graphical scheme as ways, so the patterns are almost the same. Way objects don't feature snowy/winter view and changeable crossings. On some objects, some parts of the object must be displayed above passing vehicles (like catenaries'wire) and other parts behind vehicles (like third rails). To do that, frontimage and backimage are respectively used. Each view can have two images, one frontimage to be displayed above passing vehicles and one backimage to be displayed behind the vehicles. Simple objects rarely have both images for each view. To use the pattern below, it is advised to work with two images, one for backimages and one for frontimages. {{ fr:tuto:dat:wayobj.png }} obj=way-object \\ waytype= \\ name= \\ cost= \\ maintenance= \\ topspeed= \\ copyright= \\ own_waytype=electrified_track \\ \\ intro_year=1800 \\ intro_month=1 \\ retire_year=2999 \\ retire_month=1 \\ \\ icon=> sourceback.0.2 \\ cursor=sourceback.0.3 \\ \\ backimage[-]=sourceback.4.3 \\ backimage[N]=sourceback.1.0 \\ backimage[S]=sourceback.1.1 \\ backimage[E]=sourceback.1.2 \\ backimage[W]=sourceback.1.3 \\ backimage[NS]=sourceback.0.0 \\ backimage[EW]=sourceback.0.1 \\ backimage[NE]=sourceback.2.0 \\ backimage[SE]=sourceback.2.1 \\ backimage[SW]=sourceback.2.2 \\ backimage[NW]=sourceback.2.3 \\ backimage[NEW]=sourceback.3.0 \\ backimage[NSE]=sourceback.3.1 \\ backimage[SEW]=sourceback.3.2 \\ backimage[NSW]=sourceback.3.3 \\ backimage[NSEW]=track.4.0 \\ backimageUp[3]=sourceback.5.0 \\ backimageUp[6]=sourceback.5.1 \\ backimageUp[9]=sourceback.5.2 \\ backimageUp[12]=sourceback.5.3 \\ backimageUp2[3]=sourceback.6.0 \\ backimageUp2[6]=sourceback.6.1 \\ backimageUp2[9]=sourceback.6.2 \\ backimageUp2[12]=sourceback.6.3 \\ \\ frontimage[-]=sourcefront.4.3 \\ frontimage[N]=sourcefront.1.0 \\ frontimage[S]=sourcefront.1.1 \\ frontimage[E]=sourcefront.1.2 \\ frontimage[W]=sourcefront.1.3 \\ frontimage[NS]=sourcefront.0.0 \\ frontimage[EW]=sourcefront.0.1 \\ frontimage[NE]=sourcefront.2.0 \\ frontimage[SE]=sourcefront.2.1 \\ frontimage[SW]=sourcefront.2.2 \\ frontimage[NW]=sourcefront.2.3 \\ frontimage[NEW]=sourcefront.3.0 \\ frontimage[NSE]=sourcefront.3.1 \\ frontimage[SEW]=sourcefront.3.2 \\ frontimage[NSW]=sourcefront.3.3 \\ frontimage[NSEW]=track.4.0 \\ frontimageUp[3]=sourcefront.5.0 \\ frontimageUp[6]=sourcefront.5.1 \\ frontimageUp[9]=sourcefront.5.2 \\ frontimageUp[12]=sourcefront.5.3 \\ frontimageUp2[3]=sourcefront.6.0 \\ frontimageUp2[6]=sourcefront.6.1 \\ frontimageUp2[9]=sourcefront.6.2 \\ frontimageUp2[12]=sourcefront.6.3 ===== Essential parameters ===== |Parameter |Description |Content |Example | |obj |object type |way || |[[en:tutowaytype|waytype]] |way type |internal_name |maglev_track | |name |name |text |AMT | |cost |price (%%*%%100c) |number |390000 | |maintenance |maintenance price (%%*%%100c) |number |7500 | |topspeed |max speed (km/h) |number |750 | |intro_year |introduction year |number |2025 | |intro_month |introduction month |number |1 | |copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier | |own_waytype | \\ Is the object an electrification ? \\ \\ (don't use it if it's not the case) |this text |electrified_track | [[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]