[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]] ====== Bridges ====== ===== Png and dat patterns ===== Here is the bridge pattern: {{ fr:tuto:dat:bridge.png }} obj=bridge \\ name= \\ waytype= \\ cost= \\ maintenance= \\ topspeed= \\ max_weight= \\ max_lenght= \\ max_height= \\ pillar_distance= \\ pillar_asymmetric=1 \\ copyright= \\ \\ intro_year=1800 \\ intro_month=1 \\ retire_year=2999 \\ retire_month=1 \\ \\ icon=> source.0.4 \\ cursor=source.0.5 \\ backPillar[S]=source.1.4 \\ backPillar[W]=source.1.5 \\ \\ BackImage[NS]=source.0.0 \\ FrontImage[NS]=source.1.0 \\ BackImage[EW]=source.0.1 \\ FrontImage[EW]=source.1.1 \\ BackImage2[NS]=source.0.2 \\ FrontImage2[NS]=source.1.2 \\ BackImage2[EW]=source.0.3 \\ FrontImage2[EW]=source.1.3 \\ \\ BackRamp[N]=source.2.0 \\ FrontRamp[N]=source.3.0 \\ BackRamp[W]=source.2.1 \\ FrontRamp[W]=source.3.1 \\ BackRamp[S]=source.2.2 \\ FrontRamp[S]=source.3.2 \\ BackRamp[E]=source.2.3 \\ FrontRamp[E]=source.3.3 \\ \\ BackRamp2[N]=source.4.0 \\ FrontRamp2[N]=source.5.0 \\ BackRamp2[W]=source.4.1 \\ FrontRamp2[W]=source.5.1 \\ BackRamp2[S]=source.4.2 \\ FrontRamp2[S]=source.5.2 \\ BackRamp2[E]=source.4.3 \\ FrontRamp2[E]=source.5.3 \\ \\ BackStart[N]=source.2.4 \\ FrontStart[N]=source.3.4 \\ BackStart[W]=source.2.5 \\ FrontStart[W]=source.3.5 \\ BackStart[S]=source.2.6 \\ FrontStart[S]=source.3.6 \\ BackStart[E]=source.2.7 \\ FrontStart[E]=source.3.7 \\ \\ BackStart2[N]=source.4.4 \\ FrontStart2[N]=source.5.4 \\ BackStart2[W]=source.4.5 \\ FrontStart2[W]=source.5.5 \\ BackStart2[S]=source.4.6 \\ FrontStart2[S]=source.5.6 \\ BackStart2[E]=source.4.7 \\ FrontStart2[E]=source.5.7 Red images are backimage (the images to be displayed behind passing vehicles) and blue ones are frontimage (to be displayed before passing vehicles). If the bridge is one of a way which does not support hard slopes, remove "Ramp2" images to keep consistent. The images "Image" are the central parts of the bridge which are displayed in the height beneath the bridge is not higher that one unit, otherwise "Image2" is displayed. Bridges can have snowy images. To define them, a parameter must be added to the name of each image, equal to 0 for normal (summer) view and 1 for snowy (winter) view. Here is an example: FrontStart[E]=source.3.7 \\ \\ #becomes ... \\ \\ #normal view \\ FrontStart[E][0]=source.3.7 \\ #snowy view \\ FrontStart[E][1]=sourcewinter.3.7 ===== Essential parameters ===== |**Parameter ** |**Description ** |**Content ** |**Example ** | |obj |object type |bridge || |[[en:tutowaytype|waytype]] |way type |internal_name |maglev_track | |name |name |text |AMT_bridge | |cost |price (%%*%%100c) |number |15000 | |maintenance |maintenance cost (%%*%%100c) |number |8500 | |topspeed |max speed (km/h) |number |750 | |max_weight |max weight |number |100 | |max_length |max lentgh |number |14 | |max_height |max height |number |10 | |pillar_asymmetric |use if the pillar's graphic isn't on the center of the tile (put the graphic on the lower part of the tile) |boolean |1 | |pillar_distance |distance between each pillar (at least 1) |number |2 | |intro_year |introduction year |number |2025 | |intro_month |introduction month |number |1 | |copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier | [[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]